Twitter Lists & Twitter Listening #SocialCafe 12.23

Similar to other tools and Twitter resources, Twitter Lists have also been around for a while but are sometimes underutilized. This week, we are going to look at ways to use Twitter Lists to help us make friends, check out the competition, and overall enjoy Twitter that much more!

7 Jun


Martin Lindeskog

Martin Lindeskog

Deborah Anderson

Deborah Anderson

Martin Lindeskog

Martin Lindeskog

Great topic! I haven't used Twitter lists for some time... ;)
Deborah Anderson

Deborah Anderson

@Martin Lindeskog Thank you. I think I got the idea from your "list" LOL Teamwork and Community :)
Martin Lindeskog

Martin Lindeskog

@Deborah Anderson Great to hear! :)
Deborah Anderson

Deborah Anderson

Q1 How do you view Twitter Lists? Are they something you use?
Deborah Anderson

Deborah Anderson

Q2 Who would you like to invite to this chat, to discuss #TwitterLists and hear about friends’ tips? Any friends or associates? :)
Martin Lindeskog

Martin Lindeskog

@Deborah Anderson I would like to invite Lisa Sicard. Check out her blog post:
Deborah Anderson

Deborah Anderson

@Martin Lindeskog I think that is a great idea!
Deborah Anderson

Deborah Anderson

Q3 How frequently do you use Twitter Lists? * all the time * frequently enough * sometimes * not enough * not at all * other
Deborah Anderson

Deborah Anderson

Q4 How can Twitter Lists be used in the form of Twitter Listening (aka Social Listening)? Do those two concepts even “connect” at all?
Deborah Anderson

Deborah Anderson

Q5 What is our #june6 #SocialCafe #ShamelessPlug? Don’t forget to include #ShamelessPlug in your tweet... Promote yourself; Celebrate those wins! Advertise your product(s) or service(s)
Deborah Anderson

Deborah Anderson

Watch a recording related to this event here:
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